Empowering Communities, Transforming Lives...

The global movement for victims of violent conflict and terrorism

Civitas Auxilium Foundation (CAF) trains people in the margins to advocate for themselves and connects them with resources to create sustainable livelihoods.

About us

In spite of being victims of terrorism and violent conflicts, women deserve to be economically and socially empowered not only to cater to their needs but to transform and empower other women. CAF’s concept of empowerment will involve awareness creation and capacity building that
leads to greater participation and decision-making power.

Vision and Mission

Vision Statement

Vulnerable people are supported through a network of citizens and organizations through training and capacity building.

Mission Statement

CAF helps community organizations through capacity building, resource management, and program development.

Strategic anchors

We center everything on People:

  • CAF places value on people first before resources
  • CAF provides clear next steps that helps vulnerable people learn how to advocate intentionally
    for themselves

We call everyone to action:

  • CAF empowers victims of violence, especially women, to overcome the
    victimhood mentality.
  • CAF creates National rallying points that accelerate our mission.

We offer contextualized approaches:

  • CAF prioritizes the development of approaches to nonprofits that fit the context of
    the recipients we serve, while ensuring that all of our activities embody our
  • CAF builds partnerships locally, nationally, and internationally.

We gather in communities:

  • CAF creates communities where transformation happens and where all members
    are seen and accepted by others.

  • CAF brings organizations together in communities where faith and doubt are both
    welcome as we actively help participants find answers to difficult questions
    so they can find solutions to their problems.

Our partners

This is your sign to change lives.

Join us to make a difference.

Be our volunteer

We believe that together we can make a difference. We will empower, equip and build the competencies of the vulnerable, especially women, by working with stakeholders across all spheres – Government, other NGOs, leaders, and volunteers. We will achieve this by leveraging these networks and resources from individuals and organizations.

Discover our activities